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Is this Course for me?

  • I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia (the precursor to osteoporosis), OR
  • I am at increased risk of developing osteoporosis (e.g., it runs in my family, I am post-menopausal, I have another health condition that increases the risk, or I am on a medication that can cause osteoporosis).
  • I have a well-established yoga practice OR I am newer to yoga and want to make sure I know how to modify yoga poses and movement (some yoga experience would be an asset).
  • I want to continue to be active and do so safely knowing that I have osteoporosis or osteopenia.
  • I have not had a fracture due to osteoporosis.

Course Objectives

  • Learn the Bone Fit® principles of safe movement.
  • Experience and explore what the principles feel like in your body through gentle yoga and movement.
  • Learn how to adapt commonly practiced yoga poses to incorporate the principles.
  • Learn about the role and importance of posture, balance, and core strength.
  • Understand how to safely incorporate safer core strengthening, posture and balance practices into a yoga practice.
  • Give you the confidence to know how to apply the principles to your yoga practice and general movement.

This Course will give you the knowledge and skills to:

  • Adapt and modify yoga practice and other activities.
  • Find and maintain your best posture.
  • Improve your balance.
  • Safely strengthen your core.
  • Reduce your overall risk of falls and the possible resulting fractures.

Course Details

  • Six-week program
  • Weekly 1.5-hour long sessions
  • Education, experiential learning, gentle yoga and movement
  • Maximum 12 participants.



Susan is a certified yoga therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapists. Her areas of expertise are bone health and mental health. Susan’s interest in osteoporosis comes from her own personal diagnosis. She wants to show others that this diagnosis doesn’t mean you have to stop moving, in fact, quite the opposite! With Susan’s help, you can learn how to move safely in a yoga class and in your everyday life while having osteoporosis or low bone density.

Susan’s work in mental health empowers people who are experiencing acute or chronic stress or anxiety, trauma, and other forms of nervous system dysregulation with knowledge and strategies to build nervous system resilience. She also works with individuals using a body-based approach to resolving symptoms of stress, shock, and trauma that accumulate in their bodies.

Yoga therapy involves the tailored use of yoga poses and movement, breathwork, meditation, mantra and affirmations, mudras (hand gestures) and other yoga-related tools in a therapeutic context.

Susan’s additional continuing education and certifications include:

  • Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher
  • Licensed facilitator of the Overcome! program
  • Bone Fit™ trained
  • Intermediate Year, Somatic Experiencing®

Course Location – LiquidGym in the RA Centre (Billings Bridge area)

Call (613)820-8228 for more information on how to register

Call 613-820-8228 to register for the Course!

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