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Our centre will change the way you think about physiotherapy, rehab and your personal healthcare.

LiquidGym is located in Ottawa, in an 8,000 sq. ft. one-of-a-kind clinic offering hydrotherapy, hydrotraining, and land-based care. Our clinic is focused on innovation in therapy care. There is currently no other clinic in Canada that offers the wide range of specialty equipment and systems, all under one roof.

Why was LiquidGym created?

To bring innovation to physiotherapy and rehab.

LiquidGym Therapy & Rehab Training Centre, Ottawa, Canada

Our Vision

To build a clinic and an environment so you can:

  • believe that you can achieve
  • make a difference in your life

In which we partner with you:

  • by providing unique and innovative services
  • and our dedicated staff who play an integral role in your success

Our Team

To learn more about the people involved with LiquidGym, be sure to check out the team bios.

Check out our team

Affiliations and Partnerships

LiquidGym has many partners and affliates that allow us to better serve our members and the community as a whole.

See our partners


Liquidgym is active in the community, both hosting and attending events.

34 video’s of water exercises you can do in your home pool!

In this post we outline in more detail some exercises to get you started in the water. There are a total of 34 videos that highlight various exercises you can do in your home pool.


Do you have Golfer’s Elbow?

Golfer’s Elbow is the most common form of medial elbow pain. Often caused by overuse of the medial muscles of the forearm. Managed effectively, it does not have to ruin your game or prevent you from working. Rest, followed by…

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