LG Re-Opening!
LiquidGym re-opens for land therapy on Monday, June 1 and hydrotherapy services June 8 with new COVID-19 protocols
I am happy to announce that we are re-opening the doors to LiquidGym on June 1 for land therapy services. Our hydrotherapy pools will be opening on June 8.
We have new procedures in place to keep everyone safe and we will be following the recommendations put in place by the Ministry of Health. If you book an in-person appointment, more information will be sent to you at that time.
We are providing virtual care to patients for physiotherapy, rehabilitation, kinesiology and athletic therapies through our secure, digital health platform. Virtual care will continue after the opening and we encourage you to use this service.
How to use virtual care: see our tutorial.
To book an appointment: 613 820-8228, [email protected]
We look forward to welcoming you back to LiquidGym!
Karen Snyder
CEO / Co-Founder