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Is this YOU on your cellphone? Do you Have TEXT NECK?

Text neck is a term that has been coined to describe the forward and downward position of the head, neck and shoulders while on your phone. This is usually resulting from excessive strain on the spine from looking down at handheld devices.

How many hours a day do you spend looking down at your phone?

The answer is probably too many. Spending multiple hours a day looking down at our phones and tablets has a huge impact on our cervical spine. The human head weighs between 10-12 pounds when we are in the correct posture but the more our neck is flexed forward, the weight on our spine increases dramatically – up to 60 pounds when the neck is flexed to 60 degrees!1

What is Text Neck?

“Text neck” is a term that has been coined to describe the posture formed by leaning forward for prolonged periods, for example when viewing a cellphone while reading and texting, reported to cause stress injuries.2

Should I be concerned about Text Neck?

Yes! This puts a lot of extra stress on your joints, ligaments, and muscles. Over time, this can result in neck and shoulder pain, headaches, and even early degeneration of the spine1.

What are the most common symptoms of Text Neck?

  • headaches
  • stiff necks – reduced range of motion
  • pain between your shoulder blades

What can I do to avoid Text Neck?

While it’s unrealistic to suggest avoiding looking at your phone, trying your best to keep a neutral spine position, limiting the time you spend on your devices, and doing a few daily exercises will make a big difference!

Daily Exercises

Chin Tuck

Pectoralis Stretch

Scapular Retraction

Thoracic Extention

If you’re interested in learning more,

 call LiquidGym to book an appointment with one of our therapists.



  1. Hansraj, Kenneth. Assessment of stresses in the cervical spine caused by posture and position of the head, Surgical Technology International. November 1, 2014. sss
  2. Neupane S, Ifthikar Ali UT, Mathew A. Text-Neck Syndrome-Systemic review. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. 2017;3(7):141-148. Accessed 18 July 2019.

Lindsay Jonkman

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