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Don’t miss your next appointment – Virtual rehab at LiquidGym!

In just a few short years, the Virtual Rehab market has been turned upside down. The demand to provide services to home-bound individuals has increased. With major strides in technology and the rethinking of delivery protocols, this changed what was the standard of Virtual rehab to an all-new interactive and engaging session for both the therapist and patient.

Virtual sessions are provided to patients unable to come into the clinic in person due to – illness, busy work/home schedules, inclement weather, living in remote areas with limited access to a professional or just wanting to have the session in the comfort of their home.

Why is it called so many names? All of the following…

  • Telerehab
  • Telephysio
  • Virtual physiotherapy
  • Virtual Rehab
  • e-rehabilitation,
  • Telerehabilitation
  • Virtual Therapy
  • Tele-Health

What is a virtual session?

It is a therapy session delivered via a secure network connecting to your laptop, tablet or smartphone (Android or iPhone). Once you click on the link provided to you by your therapist, you will be connected for your session.

How does a session run?

During the online session, your therapist will walk you through your session providing treatment options and coaching, They will monitor your movement patterns and correct as needed. This is an interactive session very similar to being at LiquidGym.

Who is it for?

Virtual appointments are especially suitable for patients who are motivated in learning how to improve their current situation and ready to work towards getting better in the comfort of their home.

Virtual sessions are delivered by our physiotherapists, kinesiologist and athletic therapist.

Can I have some appointments at LiquidGym and some at my home?

Absolutely, whatever is convenient for you. If the roads aren’t good, you’re feeling a little under the weather, your car won’t start, whatever the reason just change your appointment to virtual.

Can my initial assessment be done virtually?

Yes. All information required by the therapist can be done virtually.

As stated by the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario

Virtual practice is an alternate mode of service delivery of traditional rehabilitation services and as such, the practice of virtual care does not remove or alter any existing responsibilities for the provider.

Providers must adhere to all existing practice requirements, including the scope of practice of the profession, the standards of professional practice, the code of ethics, as well as any provincial and federal laws that guide practice.

Physiotherapists must be registered to practice in Ontario to provide virtual care to patients in Ontario.

Changing the landscape of virtual care: Introducing physiotherapy

Virtual care · Jan 14, 2021
Q&A with Matt Sheldon, Registered Physiotherapist posted on Telus Health website

Q: What is the biggest barrier to providing care virtually?

A: The biggest barrier to providing care virtually is expectations — both the clinician’s and the patient’s. Physiotherapy is often thought of as being a “physical” and “hands-on” treatment, and virtual physiotherapy looks and feels a bit different. But education and exercise are a physiotherapist’s most useful treatment tools, and they can both be used with great success virtually. As virtual physiotherapy becomes more common, clinicians are becoming more skilled at assessing patients and prescribing exercise therapy over video. Likewise, clients are becoming more aware that virtual physiotherapy is highly effective, either from their own experience or from that of others.


1 Investigating the effectiveness of virtual physiotherapy, Ascenti, June 6, 2020 (Source only available in English)

Call LiquidGym to find out more about our Virtual Rehab!


or go to Virtual Physiotherapy

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